""Final Four is a time to challenge college's true cost"
“Adjusting the COA for all kinds of students, from student-athletes to the homeless -- which financial aid offices can do whenever they choose -- would raise the limit on what these students can borrow to support themselves during their college years.
“Skeptics will assail this proposal as dangerous, noting that higher COA would allow students to borrow ruinous amounts of money, far beyond the actual out-of-pocket cost of attending a given institution. Yet, the COA of most institutions -- largely unregulated and generally unaudited -- already exceeds what students can afford.
“Even with available grant aid, 95% of institutions are too expensive for students with the greatest need. A reconsideration of COA to reflect the reality faced by today's students -- Division I athletes, student-parents, Pell recipients, homeless students and others -- would allow institutions to recognize the needs and challenges faced by different kinds of students in a tangible way that improves their odds of completing college. After all, fewer than 60% of college students make it all the way to graduation.”
Read more in CNN.