"A different kind of school bus”

A DIFFERENT KIND OF SCHOOL BUS: A new report and map out this week make the case for extending transit access for community colleges. The analysis from the Seldin / Haring-Smith Foundation finds that by extending existing transit infrastructure, an additional 25 percent of community colleges could be made accessible. For a population of students made up of mostly commuters, who are often “one flat tire away from dropping out,” it could make a big difference, the report argues.

The numbers: More than half of community and technical colleges, 56.5 percent, are located within half a mile of the nearest transit stop. And 18.4 percent of institutions do not have a transit stop within 4.5 miles. For the 345 colleges in between, extending transit by expanding an existing bus line or tweaking routes would be an affordable and valuable investment, the report says.

Support from the top: “Rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure has to include expanding access to safe, affordable, and reliable public transportation to and from community colleges,” said John King, president of the Education Trust and former Secretary of Education during the Obama administration.

View the full article in Politico Weekly Transportation and Politico Weekly Education.


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